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Who Attends

Fleet Decision Makers
Bus Manufacturers
Infrastructure Providers
Procurement Managers
City Planners

Private Shuttle Owner/Operators
University Transportation
Architecture & Engineering Firms
State DOTs
Regulatory Agencies
Community Advocates

ZEB Con convenes a comprehensive cross-section of battery and fuel cell electric bus industry stakeholders. Public and private bus and shuttle fleets seeking to electrify their operations mingle with representatives from bus manufacturers showcasing their latest zero-emission models.

Infrastructure providers discuss charging solutions and grid integration, while representatives from the vehicle supply chain explore the evolving ecosystem for electric buses. Government agencies with a stake in clean transportation initiatives connect with community members advocating for zero-emission policies.

This confluence of decision-makers, innovators, and influencers fosters collaboration and accelerates the transition to a clean transportation future.

What Others Are Saying

“Attending ZEB Con proved invaluable. Witnessing diverse Zero Emission Bus types firsthand, learning the pros and cons of BEBs and FCEBs, and delving into maintenance considerations have equipped me to confidently engage in conversations about this next zero-emission chapter."

—  Chris Ackerman
Senior Marketing Manager/PIO, Victor Valley Transit Authority    
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